Smarter than the beverage
Here's a funny story I forgot to share. Happened about a week ago.
Bre and I went shopping, and found this "juice". They were buy one get one free at 1pound 45p. We both got 2, making sure to chose different kinds. They aren't HUGE bottles (1 Litre) but they are good sized. We get back to the FMC and I'm thirsty, so I crack one open, and immediately made this face I can't describe. It is beyond sickeningly sweet. So I let Maria, Bre and Emily try it, and they all like it. By this point Michelle (who lives here and works at the FMC) has come into the room. I decided to sip it again, and repeat my violent reation. Michelle starts laughing. Appariently you are supposed to dilute things you buy here. They don't sell juice in unconcentrated form. So I fill up a 6oz cup and put a coulpe drops in. Bre likes about a 60-40% ratio of juice to water. Today I found that it's supposed to be 4:1 water to juice.
It was pretty amusing. I don't like it that strong, but for the price I paid, this will be a pretty good deal!
In other news, I went shopping today. Well, "shopping". It made me want to cry, really. Half the things I couldn't buy because we have nothing to cook with. Bre and I saw a HUGE bowl of pasta and sauce in a movie today, and both were obsessed with it, ignoring the movie and thinking about pasta. Oh, what I wouldn't give... anyway. If it can't be microwaved, we can't cook it here. The other half of the things on the shelf were too expensive. I couldn't justify buying them on a limited budget when they feed us here. I did get some tea, biscuits/digestives/cookies that are chocolate coated on one side, and a loaf of bread (which is reasonably cheap here). I also bought lotion today, and it was insane. We won't talk about that though.
And we saw the changing of the guards (um, tourist trap?) and dyed Emily's hair Funky Cherry.
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