Where did we leave off?
Yesterday, which was Friday, Jeff, Emily and I decided to venture off into the city to take pictures. We started at the Temple Chruch, which is one of the oldest buildings in London. It was built in 1186 for the Templars (founded 1118), who were sworn to protect Christians traveling to Jerusalem. Actually, only the Circle church was built then - Henry III added the rectangular piece in 1240.
There are many people buried here, but it is most well known for the Templars, who are in the Circle church. Unfortunately, they aren't looking all that well, since the church was severly bombed in WWII. Still pretty good considreing how very old they are.
If you read the DiVinci Code, you may remember this church and the Templars popping up at quite the crutical moment of the book. This picture is from the rectangular section looking in on the Circle Church. Between the pillars are Templars, if you look closely on the ground.Templars
After taking plenty of pictures in the Temple church (which was in the highest class neighborhood of all London, so we left quickly), we decided to walk along the Thames and see what we could see.
We found Cleopatra's Needle; but more interesingly some Sphynx statues. Emily and I were trying to keep our trousers dry (it rained, shocker) and have Jeff take pictures.
Then we walked as far as Parliment, where we took picutres of Big Ben. And I started singing "We Can Fly" from Peter Pan, because it fit the moment.
Since we spent the day waltzing about London, we decided not to go out dancing.
The story and pictures of Canterbury will have to wait for another day. I am tired, and Blogger has decided I can not upload any more pictures into this post. Had I the energy, I would override the html, but I don't, so I will leave you in suspense!
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